This widget I pitched and designed resulted in Expedia getting featured in the App Store.
My role: pitch, design
offers beautiful and inspirational places to consider for your next adventure.
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While Expedia had an existing widget on iOS, it offered nothing to the user without an upcoming trip booked.
was to present helpful info about your upcoming trip, right on your home screen.
was this exact image was all you’d see without an upcoming trip, which is most days for most people. The same content, day after day. Not a great experience.
The idea I pitched as part of a hackathon was to give folks something worthwhile from day one, and every day after.
offers fresh inspiration for future adventures, and adds life to your home screen. I personally curated, edited, and cropped the first large batch of photos to make sure the widget setup, style, and workflow were solid for the future.
the content and cropping adapt to the shifting widget dimensions to ensure the photos always look great. Overlays and text shadows were subtly tuned to ensure the text passed accesibility guidelines without muddying the photos below.
with just a tap from your home screen.
The new Expedia app widget launched alongside iOS 15, and caught Apple's attention.
prominently on the App Store because of the new widget!
Your work inspired many during the hackathon and allowed us to quickly leverage it into an actionable experience that we took to market. I appreciated and admired the way you leaned in – start up mode with a volunteer army to make this work. You demonstrated strong [Expedia Group] values and drove business impacts (widget being featured resulting in App Downloads). I especially appreciated the way you took feedback from senior leaders and pivoted towards something that hits on the customer need, business need and tech feasibility.
— Laila Almounaier, Sr. Director of Product at Expedia